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Raspberry Pi VGA

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Brand: Motorobit
Product Code: RSP.ELK.01.000006
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233.80 TL + VAT
VAT Included: 280.56 TL

Raspberry Pi VGA Module 

Referred to as VGA adapter or Passive VGA adapter for Raspberry Pi A+ / B+ / 2B / 3B / Zero. The Raspberry Pi has an HDMI port for connecting a display. If your monitor only has VGA, you will need to use an adapter. Because this requires digital-to-analog conversion, these adapters can be quite expensive and draw a lot of power.

Unlike composite video, the DPI interface can be driven independently of HDMI.


Since the module uses most of your GPIO pins, you lose access to them.

< H3>How to use
Edit the /Boot/config.txt file with vim.tiny or another editor. and change as follows:

framebuffer_width = 800
framebuffer_height = 600
dpi_group = 2
< DIV>device_tree = bcm2710-RPI-3-b.dtb
dpi_mode = 86
dtparam = i2c_arm = off
dtparam = spi = off
dtparam = uart0 = off
dtparam = uart1 = off
dtoverlay = PI3-disabled-bt-overlay
dtoverlay = vga666
enable_dpi_lcd = 1
display_default_lcd = 1
force_pwm_open = 0
dtparam = sound = on
start_x = 1
gpu_mem = 128

  • Disable all GPIO pins for proper operation.
  • We recommend using 800x600 resolution.
  • Higher resolution will slow down your Pi and take up more RAM.

< /DIV>

Note: This add-in card uses all of the GPIO pins, so with VGA adapter It may not be possible to use other add-on cards at the same time.