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ArduMoto Arduino Motor Driver - Arduino Motor Shield

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Brand: Motorobit
Product Code: ARD.ASH.01.000024
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334.00 TL + VAT
VAT Included: 400.80 TL

ArduMoto Arduino Motor Driver - Arduino Motor Shield 

Ardumoto Shield is a dual motor controller for Arduino. Based on the L298 H-bridge, Ardumoto can drive two DC motors at up to 2A per channel. It makes a great control platform for RC vehicles and even small robots. It is now easier to use with control signal LEDs and is also much more flexible for advanced users.
The board draws its power from the same Vin line as the Arduino board and is blue to indicate its active direction. and contains yellow LEDs. All driver lines are diode protected from back EMF. The L298 is a dual-channel motor driver, meaning it can drive two motors individually, which is perfect for a two-wheeler. Each channel on the L298 can deliver up to 2A to the motor it is connected to.

Technical Specifications

  • Operating Voltage: 6 - 35V
  • Continuous Output Current: 2A
  • Duty Cycle: 0 - 100%


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